

Amy’s Heart and Home

Selling Your Home? Here’s Why Access Is So Important

If you’re gearing up to put your home on the market as the next (or first!) step in your house hunting journey, one of the most essential things you’re going to want to discuss with your real estate agent is potential buyer access. Of course, things like pricing the home correctly and tidying up for potential buyers are always important, but this seemingly small aspect can make a big difference when it comes to finding a possible buyer for your home!

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The Housing Market Isn’t Tanking…Here’s Why

Let’s talk Recession. Will it or won’t it? No doubt you’ve seen plenty of chatter about an incoming economic downturn in recent months, and if you’re still nursing memories from the 2008 housing crisis, I’m sure you’ve been feeling some housing market jitters. But fear not! In this month’s blog, we’re diving into the latest insights from the experts who continue to predict smooth sailing ahead. 

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We Did A Disney Character Tournament Inspired By March Madness…Here’s How It’s Going

It’s March, and no doubt you’ve been glued to your TV screens to take part in the excitement of March Madness! Well, for us here in the Heart and Home Orlando family, we’ve spent this month undertaking a huge project just for the fun of it, inspired by our home here in Disney’s Backyard of Horizon West, Florida: a Disney Character Bracket!

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Looking To Buy A Home? Get Pre-Approved. Here’s Why.

Recently started your journey to homeownership? If so, chances are you’ve stumbled across the term “pre-approval” once…or a hundred times. But what is it, and why is it so important? Let’s dive into this essential step in the homebuying process and chat about what it means for you and your road to home. 

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Why You Should Consider Buying A New Construction Home

Whether you’re out of state or local to the Disney’s Backyard area, you may be putting off selling your home because you’re worried about finding the perfect home to move to in this crazy market. I hear you! So many things need to line up perfectly to get you the right buyer for your existing home and the right seller for your new one…which is why for many, especially here in Horizon West, buying new has a slew of perks that can make both the buying and selling process that much easier. 

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Christmas In Central Florida

We’ve made it to the end of 2023, folks! What a year it’s been, and now we get to relax and enjoy the end of the year with good food, family, and some fabulous Florida weather. As we wind down, finish wrapping those last few Christmas presents, and start preheating the oven for the holiday meal, I thought I’d use this month’s blog as an opportunity to reflect on what the holidays hold for those of us in Disney’s Backyard.

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A Home Of Your Own To Be Thankful For
Why You Shouldn’t Sell Your Home Yourself

Every Realtor that ever there was has heard this comment at least once before: “Why would I bother hiring a Realtor when I can just sell my home myself?” Extra points if said with a smug smirk, like they’ve cracked the code that real estate agents are only as valuable as a “For Sale” sign in the front yard. Well, not to rain on those people’s parades…but they’re missing quite a few pieces of the puzzle. Namely, the incredible benefits of having a Realtor and the disastrous pitfalls of trying to sell their home solo. 

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Are Home Prices Still Rising In Horizon West?

If you’re looking to make Horizon West, Florida your home, you’re no doubt wondering when’s the right time to jump into the booming market. With high prices and high interest rates, lots of buyers are wondering if it’s worth waiting out the market in hopes of reduced prices, and potential sellers are wondering whether their home might continue to appreciate in value. Well, if either of these sound like you, this blog is for you!

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Unlocking Horizon West Real Estate

The current real estate market is constantly shifting and evolving, especially in such a hot spot as Disney’s Backyard here in Horizon West. The market isn’t just shifting by the year down here in Florida, it’s shifting by the week! That takes a lot of work to follow, and it’s nearly impossible for someone outside the industry to track all the zigs and zags of the modern Horizon West real estate market. Lucky for those folks, though….that’s my whole job!

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Tips For First-Time Homebuyers In Horizon West

Buying your first home is an exciting milestone that can positively transform your life. In recent years, however, first-time home buyers have had more obstacles to overcome than ever, such as tight inventory, rising home prices, escalating rents, and high student debt. First-time buyers could be forgiven for thinking that buying their first home in the current market is downright impossible.

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Rewards of Homeownership in Horizon West, Florida

June is National Homeownership Month, which means now is the perfect time to reflect on the numerous benefits that owning a home can bring. While the financial benefits are well-known and many, it’s also important to think about the parts of homeownership that go well beyond your wallet.

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Spring Into The Housing Market

Are you looking to buy a home in Horizon West, Florida this spring? With the current state of the housing market, it’s important to be prepared for any and all challenges that might come your way throughout the process…

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Mastering the Horizon West Housing Market in 2023
5 Ways To Put A “Spring” In Your Home’s Curb Appeal

With the spring buying season almost upon us, now is the time to get your home ready for the market. The absolute best way to get your home sold is to work with an experienced agent. But if you’re looking for a taste of the kind of things I might recommend my clients do, here are just a few ways you can ready your home to sell to give it the best chance in today’s market:

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What’s Happening In The Florida Housing Market?

It’s great to have so much information in the palm of our hands. The major downside to that, though, is that you can never be entirely sure you’re getting correct information. In the housing market, this goes double.

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Real Estate Recap 2022 - Here’s To An Amazing 2023!

That’s all, folks! As we say our final farewells to 2022, let’s take a quick moment to recap the past year and look forward to the next. This year was a wild ride in real estate, and I hope your personal experience of 2022 was not nearly so chaotic!

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Is Your Home On Someone's Christmas List?

Those of you who follow my YouTube channel will likely know I host a weekly real estate and variety livestream where we chat about our lives and I answer all your burning real estate questions. Recently, I received this question: “Are the holidays a bad time to buy or sell a home? When IS the best time to sell your home?”

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Real Estate Vocab: The Terms You Need To Know When Buying Or Selling A Home In 2022

To shake some of the weight of the real estate process, I’ve gathered a few of the main key terms that will come up in the purchase or sale of your home.

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Real Estate Fact Or Fiction

If you’ve been keeping a finger on the pulse of the real estate market in 2022, you’ve probably heard no shortage of hoopla about where the market is headed. Bonus points if you’ve also seen the panicked, apocalyptic way some people have chosen to convey said hoopla. True, the real estate market is shifting, but non-professionals within the space are likely to only give you a piece of the full picture…

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